This website and all that is here is through the inspiration of two Holy Women. who have since become my muses.
St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) a Benedictine abbess, composer, writer of mystical and medical topics, a visionary, Christian mystic and one of the four woman Doctors of the Cathoilc Church.
And Blessed Jeanne-Marie de Mailles (1331-1414) who after her husband's death became a Third Order Fransican member. Jeanne-Marie devoted the rest of her life to prayer and as a herbal healer of the sick poor.
Both women suggested this website be used for haiku as healing meditation and seeds of growth.
Haiku is a Japanese poetic form of seventeen(17) syllables in three (3) lines: 5-7-5. Here haiku will be presented as meditation on Scripture and daily life. . On the lives and thought of holy people. And through meditation seeds for healing. and growth. I will use a web and words from the web to write a series of meditative haiku that can lead to a resolution of a life issue and thus growth.